by Dave Frentzel | Apr 2, 2020 | Briefs, Operations, Strategy
Today’s scope and depth of disruption to companies – especially small- and mid-sized firms – is virtually unprecedented. In this time of the pandemic, most companies will face severe challenges. Operating budgets will come under pressure, particularly when it becomes...
by David Bovet | Mar 25, 2020 | Briefs, Operations, Supply Chain Management
Dramatic images on TV and our own personal experience at the grocery raise the very real question: Will food, other consumer goods and medical necessities be available when and where we need them? The coronavirus has put a stark spotlight on the nation’s producers and...
by Dave Frentzel | Mar 23, 2020 | Briefs, Operations, Strategy
As I write this, we are beginning week two of Massachusetts’ version of the COVID-19 “shelter in place” emergency order. For our clients in non-life sustaining businesses, this Brief condenses what we have been advising, particularly for those running small-to-medium...
by Dave Frentzel | Feb 25, 2020 | Briefs, Due Diligence, Investor Advisory, Operations, Supply Chain Management
In our August 2019 Supply Chain Contingency Planning Brief, the timely “call to action” was the US-China trade war. Today COVID-19 is the greater concern to our supply chains and more tragically to human health. These might be considered black swan events; thus,...
by Dave Frentzel | Aug 3, 2019 | Briefs, Due Diligence, Investor Advisory, Operations, Supply Chain Management, Value Creation
Midwestern soybean farmers and Silicon Valley hi-tech companies are miles apart, yet both currently face a common supply chain crisis with limited options: their high dependency on China. Could better contingency planning have helped both weather this storm? Several...
by Dave Frentzel | Aug 3, 2019 | Briefs, Organization, Sales & Marketing, Value Creation
Mandatory project management bootcamp for sales reps? Absolutely. When I transitioned earlier in my career from management consulting into my first sales leadership role in industry, I first asked each sales rep on my team two simple questions: “what’s your plan?” and...